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This is a trauma-informed space to explore thoughts that many want to prevent us from exploring—thoughts that leaders must explore in order to serve better humanity.

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Who am I?

If you’re seeking a seasoned and compassionate Coach, Mentor, and Spiritual Guide to support you in creating a deeply meaningful life, and you’re not afraid of hearing the uncomfortable truths, I’m here.

You’re purpose-driven and you know you’re here to serve in meaningful ways, but you’re showing up as a diluted version of yourself. You find yourself holding back and often obsess over how you’re being seen. Your commitment to your personal growth is obvious, yet your wounds and trauma continue to resurface which prevents you from fully stepping into your Dharma. You feel spiritually disconnected and weighed down by all that life demands of you, which makes it difficult for you to have faith and experience joy in your life and leadership. 

You are living out of alignment with God, your truth, and your Dharma. That’s why I’m here.

I want you to have a life where you feel free in every way. I want you to embrace all parts of yourself–the dark, the light, and the shadowy space in between. I want you to lead your Dharma with absolute clarity and conviction. I want you to build your life and legacy in full alignment with your truth. I want you to be successful on your own terms. I want you to feel the breadth of support that comes through God’s love. I want you to experience the joy that comes through true spiritual liberation. I want you to stop diluting who you are and start owning your potency.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

-Gospel of Thomas

If you’re utilizing more energy trying to persuade others (or yourself) through your actions, words, or social media posts, filtering yourself to fit an expectation of who you think you need to be, hiding the parts of yourself that feel less socially accepted, you are NOT living. You are performing, and this performance is leading you further astray from your truth. 

Your Truth = Your Potency
Your Potency = Your Medicine

People can see right through performative leaders and as a collective, we are yearning for more honesty, more truth, more humility, and more connection. This is why your potency is needed. Your potency is the medicine that you have to offer when you are being the fullest expression of who you are. It’s also the medicine that you get to offer yourself. 

It’s time to remember who you are.

Beneath the identities that you wear, the traumas that you’ve endured, and the societal expectations that have been programmed into you, lies your truth. This isn’t about reimagining your life. This is about remembering who you are at the very core of your existence. This is a remembrance of your truth, your potency, and your Dharma. This is a remembrance of your divine connection with God.

Your liberation is here.

True spiritual liberation comes through the love and acceptance of your truth. It comes when you embrace all aspects of your being–the dark, the light, and the shadowy spaces in between. It comes through living your individual Dharma with reverence, humility, discernment, and joy. 

I’m here to help you meet your truth so you can confidently lead your Dharma with integrity and individuality, as the fullest expression of who you be. All that’s required is your devotion. 

In order to rise higher you must be willing to dive deeper than ever before. You must unpack your history and address your trauma to cultivate an understanding of the identities that you wear, and you must get to know who you are beneath those identities so you can begin living and leading in alignment with your truth. You must unravel from all that you thought you once were so you can remember who you are. This is the way. 

Are you ready?


Interested in working with me?

Here are my current offerings…


This is a 2-hour intuitive session to guide you into alignment by shedding light on that which you have yet to see.

Whether you feel stuck, uncertain, or are experiencing resistance, you’ll receive the clarity you need to take that first step forward onto a path that is aligned with your true self. 

These sessions may also be used to support you with the integration of plant and amphibian medicines.



6 months of deep support and guidance to help you cultivate depth in your presence, and intimacy + integrity in your life and leadership. 

This journey is designed to guide you inward to support you in cultivating a deeply intimate relationship with yourself while bringing you face-to-face with your truth. Through our journey together, you will create a life that feels aligned and joy-FULL while learning how to lead with absolute integrity. All sessions will be hosted via Zoom.



6 months of ceremony and deep inner work to initiate a rebirth that is fully aligned with your truth and Dharma.

The Sacred Initiation combines Zoom sessions with sacred medicine ceremonies in intimate spaces that offer you the space to come completely undone. This work is here to help you develop a healthy relationship with your shadows and cultivate a deep understanding of who you are so you can rise up as the leader you truly know yourself to be. 


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Read the book.

Potent Leadership: Drop the Mask, Ignite the Real You, and Reclaim the Leader Within

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Redefining Personal Growth, Leadership, and Spirituality.


Spiritual Guide + Sacred Medicine Facilitator for Leaders. Author + Podcast Host. I create trauma-informed spaces that help redefine personal growth while providing leaders with a compassionate space to heal, be held, and be witnessed.